Total Comments: 4
[August 26, 2022 12:19 PM]

Ontario Medical Association (OMA)
Response in PDF format.
Physician (including retired)
[August 09, 2022 12:48 PM]

Would recommend replacing the CDC reference (about defining exposure prone procedures) with a Canadian one.
[July 27, 2022 9:15 AM]

Canadian Medical Protective Association (CMPA)
Response in PDF format.
Physician (including retired)
[July 23, 2022 10:33 AM]

The scientific basis for periodic testing of physicians who perform EPPs (presumably for reducing the risk of transmission of BBV to patients) is not clear. What is the absolute risk of unintentional transmission of BBV from physicians who perform EPPs to patients? Is there evidence that periodic testing actually reduces this risk? It is difficult to know whether the periodic testing requiring is unnecessarily burdensome without knowing this information. If in fact the risk of BBV transmission to patients is very low (or negligible), are there not other ways that the CPSO could reassure the public that they are not at risk of contracting BBV from their health care providers, other than subjecting a group of physicians to periodic blood testing? If the risk of BBV transmission to patients is very low, and if periodic testing is not of benefit to physicians or the public, then the requirement for periodic testing seems somewhat deceptive to the public, and arguably unethical and discriminatory to the groups of physicians who are obliged to undergo this testing.